1. 1) H. BABLIK: Galvanizing, (1950), p.167 [John Wiley & Sons]
2. 2) C. ALLEN and J. MACKOWIAK: Corros. Sci., 3 (1963), p.87
3. 3) A.A. HERSHMAN: 7th International Conference on Hot Dip Galvanizing, Paris, 1964, the Zinc Development Association, London, (1967), p.189 [Pergamon Press]
4. 4) M. HANSEN and K. ANDERKO: Constitution of Binary Alloys, (1958), p.737 [McGraw-Hill]
5. 5) H. BABLIK and F. GÖTZL: Korrosion u. Metallsch., 17 (1941), p.128