1. 1) M.P. Stone: Iron Steel Eng., 30(1953), 61.
2. 2) I. Gokyu and J. Kihara: Trans. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn., 6(1966), 196.
3. 3) I. Gokyu, J. Kihara and A. Azushima: J. Jpn. Soc. Technol. Plast., 14(1973), 12 (in Japanese).
4. 4) I. Gokyu, J. Kihara and A. Azushima: J. Jpn. Soc. Technol. Plast., 14(1973), 718 (in Japanese).
5. 5) Roll neck bearings, Appendix I, Elastic deformation of rolls during cold rolling, ed. by J.H.Hitchcock, ASME, New York, (1935), 33.