1. 1) Cabinet Office, Japan: Economic Outlook for FY 2016 and Basic Stance of Economic and Fiscal Management, http://www5.cao.go.jp/keizai1/mitoshi/2015/1222mitoshi.pdf, (accessed 2016-02-05).
2. 2) Cabinet Office, Japan: Materials of Cabinet Meetings on Monthly Economic Reports, http://www5.cao.go.jp/keizai3/getsurei/2016/01kaigi.pdf, (accessed 2016-02-05).
3. 3) Expert Committee on Statistics, Japan Iron and Steel Federation: Handbook for Iron and Steel Statistics, 2015 Ed., JISF, Tokyo, (2015).
4. 4) Japan Iron and Steel Federation: Iron and Steel Production Bulletin, Calendar Year, National Iron and Steel Production/Nation Steel Product Production, http://www.jisf.or.jp/data/seisan/index.html, (accessed 2016-02-05).
5. 5) JOGMEC: New Trends in Production of Resource Majors, http://mric.jogmec.go.jp/periodical/kinzoku_report201601.html, (accessed 2016-02-05).