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2. 2) E. Chernykh: Anatolian Metal, V (Hsgb. Ünsal Yalçin). Der Anschnitt, Bochum, (2011), 151.
3. 3) E. Chernykh: Unbekanntes Kasachstan. Archäologie im Herzen Asiens, Band I, Hrgb. T. Stöllner und Z. Samašev, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, Bochum, (2013), S. 185.
4. 4) E. Chernykh: Eurasian Steppe Belt: the Phenomenon of the Nomadic Cultures, Rukopisnye pamiatniki Drevney Rusi, Moscow, (2009), 624 (in Russian).
5. 5) Nomadic Cultures in the Mega-structure of Eurasian World, Yazyki slavjanskoy cultury, Moscow, (2013), vol. 1, p. 368; vol. 2, p. 429. (in Russian).