1. 1) A. B. Sterling and K. A. Zamhari: Proc. of 3rd Annual Bitumen Conf. (1997), 8.
2. 2) Theme 2 Objectives: http://www.up.ac.za/academic/civil/divisions/geotechnical/pgcourses/sgm782/themes/theme2/objectives2.html, Basic Characteristics of Engineering Soils. Learning objectives.
3. 3) G. Shakhmenko and J. Birsh: Riga Technical University, 2nd Int. PhD Symp. in Civil Engineering, Budapest, (1998).
4. 4) G. Betona: Sastava projektesana un kontrole. Riga, (1938), 1.
5. 5) O. Graf: Der aufbau des Mortels und des betons, Berlin, (1930).