1. 1) R. I. L. Guthrie and J. G. Herbertson: US Patent 4928748, (1990), Canadian Patent CA 1296505, (1992), Counterpart patents, courtesy of BHP (Australia).
2. 2) W. Reichelt, M. Scheulen, K. Schwerdtfeger, P. Voss-Spilker and E. Feuerstacke: German Patent DE3707897C2, (5 July, 1990).
3. 3) S. Ge, R. I. L. Guthrie and M. Isac: Proc. of the Roderick Guthrie Honorary Symp. on Process Metallurgy, McGill Metals Processing Centre, Montreal, (2011), 533.
4. 4) S. Ge, R. I. L. Guthrie and M. Isac: Proc. 5th Int. Cong. on Science and Technology of Steelmaking, ICS, Dresden, (2012).
5. 5) M. Celikin, D. Li, L. Calzado, M. Isac and R. I. L. Guthrie: TMS 2013, in press.