1. 1) T. Fuwa: Steel-making Course, Contemporary Metal Refining, Vol. 1, The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials, Tokyo, (1979), 385.
2. 2) J. Kozuka: Tetsu-to-Hagané, 52 (1966), 1763 (in Japanese).
3. 3) Y. Matsui: Proc. 1st Workshop on the Future of the Iron-making Process of High Temperature Process Sectional Meeting in Iron-manufacturing, ISIJ, Tokyo, (2013), 1.
4. 4) Y. Matsui: The 39th Matoba Memorial Seminar, Tohoku University, Sendai, (2013), 1.
5. 5) Y. Matsui: The 179th Nishiyama Memorial Seminar, ISIJ, Tokyo, (2003), 171 (in Japanese).