1. 1) H. Morrogh and J. W. Grant: London Conference of the Institute of British Foundrymen, Foundry Trade Journal, Birmingham, (1948), 27.
2. 2) H. Morrogh and W. J. Williams: J. Iron Steel Inst., 158 (1948), 306.
3. 3) A. P. Gagnebin, K. D. Millis and N. B. Pilling: The Iron Age, 163 (1949), 77.
4. 4) A. P. Gagnebin, K. D. Millis and N. B. Pilling: The Iron Age, 163 (1949), 97.
5. 5) B. Lux: AFS Cast Met. Res. J., 8 (1972), 25.