1. 1) Cabinet Office, Policy Planning Office: The Japanese Economy 2014–2015 – The challenge of Realizing a Virtuous Cycle – , Tokyo, (2015).
2. 2) Quarterly Estimate of GDP, Study results, “List of statistical tables”, website of the Cabinet Office, (accessed 2015-02-17).
3. 3) Handbook for Iron and Steel Statistics, 2014 Ed., Japan Iron and Steel Federation, Tokyo, (2014).
4. 4) Iron and Steel Production Bulletin, Calendar year, “National Iron and Steel Production/National Steel Product Production, website of the Japan Iron and Steel Federation”, http://www.jisf.or.jp/data/seisan/index.html, (accessed 2015-02-10).
5. 5) “Iron and Steel Raw Materials Supply and Demand in 2015”, Japan Metal Daily, Jan. 5, (2015).