Degradation assessment of fallowed and cultivated soils of Teaching and Research Farm, Federal University Dutse, Jigawa State.


A.Y Awwal1,V.O Onokebhagbe1,K.A Adegboye1


1. Department of Soil Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria 2Department of Soil Science, Federal University Dutse


Fallowed and cultivated soils of Teaching and Research Farm, Federal University Dutse (TRF, FUD) were investigated to compare their degradation rates. Representative soil samples from farmlands were collected from the surface (0-15 cm) and sub-surface (16- 30 cm) soil depths from cultivated (millet and sorghum farms) and fallowed (Block A and Block B) lands. The soil's physical and chemical properties were investigated in the field and laboratory. Data collected were subjected to descriptive statistics and soil degradation assessment was done following standard procedures. The results revealed that the fallowed soils were moderately degraded (44.44%), while cultivated soils were highly degraded (52.78%). Physical and biological degradation was more pronounced on the cultivated soils, which was attributed to the effect of cultivation. However, both soils were degraded which indicated that fallow methods or time was still insufficient. Conservation tillage improved bush fallowing mechanisms such as leguminous fallow and proper management of organic wastes. These were suggested as management practices that could replenish the nutritional status of both soils.



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