Associations Between Medical Students' Opinions on Usage of Internet Services and Digital Teaching Tools


,Dascălu Cristina G.,Antohe Magda E., ,Costache Raluca S., ,Purcărea Victor L.,


"Currently, the educational process must integrate new tools, to keep pace with technological progress. Our paper aims to investigate the extent to which the preferences of medical students for the autonomous use of multimedia resources in the learning process are correlated with their opinions towards the Internet and the intensity of using it in their daily activities. Methods: We investigated 395 medical students from 4 medical universities in Romania, 75.9% females, and 88.8% in the 1st and 2nd years of study. Students were asked to express on Likert-scales their agreement with a list of statements about Internet services, as well as whether they like learning using multimedia tools and how intensively they use Internet services. Results: The students agree to a medium to large extent with the favorable statements about Internet services but are also aware of the negative influences that indiscriminate use of such technology can have. The intensity of Internet usage is high, although not exaggerated. With small exceptions, the students who enjoy using multimedia resources during the learning process have also favorable opinions about Internet services, and use them constantly, mainly for information and instant messaging on social networks."


Asociatia Cadrelor Medicale din Spitalul Universitar de Urgenta Militar Central Dr. Carol Davila







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