Issuing Fatwa during Covid-19 Pandemic: An Analysis


Abdullah M.M.A.ORCID,Mazahir S.M.M.


Talking about fatwas in contemporary situations is both crucial and accurate. Crucial because it is a slander to the people in the religion of God and accurate because it needs an accurate methodology that no one can do unless they qualify and train for it. Thus, this study attempts to address a sound legal theory of issuing fatwa under Islamic law during the covid-19 pandemic based on qualitative methods by adopting content data analysis. The findings reveal that the expertise for issuing the fatwa, its unification, the proper understanding of the nature of the calamity, consideration of Maqāṣid al-Shari’ah, and considering Ma’alat are the major concerns that have a significant amount of impact in this regard. Hence, the study would provide a clear guideline on the role of fatwa and Mufti in contemporary Muslim society, especially in the covid-19 pandemic. 


Sprin Publisher

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