Disniwati Eva,Khalil Munawar,Fikrinda Fikrinda
Abstrak. Produktivitas Inceptisol sebagai lahan budidaya dibatasi oleh rendahnya kadar bahan organik dan ketersediaan beberapa unsur hara makro. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan untuk menguji pengaruh aplikasi fungi selulolitik indigenous yang berasal dari Inceptisol Aceh (tanpa fungi selulolitik, Talaromyces pinophilus strain MR107 dan Purpureocillium lilacinum isolate PIGD23i) dan jerami padi (tanpa jerami padi, 10 t ha-1 dan 20 t ha-1) terhadap karbon (C-organik) dan nitrogen (N-total) tanah serta berat basah dan berat kering berangkasan atas tanaman pada Inceptisol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inokulasi kedua inokulan fungi selulolitik indigenous dan jerami padi pada berbagai dosis aplikasi memberikan pengaruh yang sama terhadap status C-organik dan N-total tanah serta pertumbuhan jagung pada Inceptisol Aceh.The Statuses Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen due to application of indigenous cellulolytic fungi and rice straw on Inceptisol’s AcehAbstract. The productivity of Inceptisols as cultivated land has problems in low organic matter and macronutrients. This study arranged in a randomized block design and three replications to examine the effect of indigenous cellulolytic fungi from Inceptisol Aceh and rice straw on soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (total-N) and the weight of the upper part of the plant on Inceptisol. The cellulolytic fungi treatments were no cellulolytic fungi, Talaromyces pinophilus strain MR107 and Purpureocillium lilacinum isolate PIGD23i. The rice straw application consisted of without rice straw, 10 t ha-1, and 20 t ha-1. The results showed that both indigenous cellulolytic fungi and rice straw at various dose applications gave the same effect on the soil C-organic and N-total status and the maize growth on Inceptisols Aceh.
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