Gonzalez-Diaz Sandra N.,Macias- Weinmann Alejandra,De Lira-Quezada Cindy E.,Gonzalez-Gonzalez Valeria,Hernandez-Sanchez Hilda,Guzman-Avilan Rosa I.,Noyola-Perez Andres,Macouzet-Sanchez Carlos
Objective: Report the prevalence and severity of the most common allergic diseases in children living in Monterrey, México.
Methods: Cross-sectional multi-center survey on the most common allergic diseases, completed by parents of 6-7-year-old children and by 13-14- year-old adolescents in the Monterrey metropolitan area, between January 2018 and December 2019.
Results: A total of 3,044 questionnaires were eligible for the analysis. Among children between 6-7 years old, 30.2% (n = 143/473) presented wheezing at any time in their life; with a higher prevalence in the male population. In the adolescent group, 26.4% reported having experienced wheezing at some point in their life, with a slight predominance in the female group (54.9%).
Conclusions: Knowing the prevalence of allergic diseases in our population gives us tools to generate strategies that allow us to provide the best quality healthcare to our patients.
Keywords: Asthma; Rhinitis; Eczema; Wheezing; Allergy And Immunology; Child.
Colegio Mexicano de Inmunologia Clinica y Alergia, A. C.