Enfermedad post-COVID-19 en una cohorte de niños y adolescentes: prevalencia y factores de riesgo


Assia-Robles Sergio Iván,Hernández-Morales María del Rocío,Mancilla Hernández Eleazar,López Méndez Diana Paola,Nazarala Sanchez Samara,González Hidalgo Sandra Aidée


Background: The WHO defines a post-COVID-19 condition as that which occurs in individuals with a history of SARS-CoV2 infection, 3 months after the onset of COVID19 with symptoms that last at least 2 months. Objective: To determine the prevalence and risk factors of the post-COVID-19 condition of children and adolescents from a cohort Methods: Observational and analytical cohort study. Statistical analysis: percentages, frequencies, averages. Odds ratio, Chi square. Multiple binary logistic regression. Statistical Package, for the Social Sciences 23. Results: Prevalence of the post-COVID-19 condition, 14.8%. 175 patients, 26 developed post-COVID-19 condition, mean age 5.9 years (SD5.05), sex: 27% men, 73% women, frequent symptoms: fatigue, runny nose, muscle pain, dyspnea. Symptoms associated with post-COVID-19 condition: Muscle pain OR 27 p=0.000(IC95%5.2-139), dysgeusia OR 19 p=0.012(IC95% 1.9-19) fatigue OR 5 p=0.001(IC95%1.9-13.5) . Associated risk factors: female OR3.58p=0.023(95%CI1.19-10.71), comorbidities OR 24.5p=0.000(95%CI7.52-79), allergic rhinitis OR8.7p=0.000 (95%CI2.66-28.87) atopic dermatitis OR9. 58p=0.016 (95%CI 1.51-60.5).Conclusions: Although the majority of children infected with SARS-CoV2 recover completely, some of them will develop a post-COVID-19 condition, knowing the most frequent symptoms and associated factors, will allow a better evaluation, for its opportune detection and effective treatment.


Colegio Mexicano de Inmunologia Clinica y Alergia, A. C.








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