Retail trade as an actor of food security: functions and tools of their implementation


Mityashin Gleb1ORCID


1. Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University


This article discusses the role and functions of food retailing in the Russian food security system. It is noted that every year more and more requirements are applied to the food security system. Using a descriptive review of the literature, it was found that the authors identify 7 groups of requirements for the product distribution system. At the same time, the main channel for the distribution of food among consumers in Russia is retail trade, which is entrusted with the functions of creating comfortable conditions for the purchase of products for various consumer groups. Despite the fact that retail trade enterprises are commercial structures, they perform a number of social functions that make the product distribution system more equitable. During the review of scientific literature and open news sources on the Internet, a number of retail initiatives were identified, including: support for the development of foodsharing, creation of shelves of goods with various organizational forms, price differentiation of stores and trade assortment (creation of discounters, introduction of cheaper and more expensive goods into the assortment, development of private labels), participation in the social programs of charitable organizations, making proposals to improve the system of distribution of products to public authorities. This study presents the characteristics of each of the mentioned areas of activity of retail trade enterprises. The article shows that the role of retail in the modern food security system is undergoing a transformation from meta-commercial sale of goods to the public to a comprehensive distribution platform for products to the public on various conditions.


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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