Methodological features of the research of the robotization in the industry through the prism of political-economic comprehension of neo-luddism


Serhiyevich Tatsiana1


1. Belarusian National Technical University


The development of the robotization processes of the industry entails a kind of renaissance of research on the phenomena of Luddism and neo-Luddism. Neo-Luddism is considered in the context of an attempt to describe the reaction of a part of society to technological changes, including large-scale robotization of industry, transforming the social and labor landscape of the modern economic system, although it does not represent a complete concept and requires further scientific understanding. The purpose of this article is to identify, by turning to the political and economic features of the phenomena of Luddism and neo-Luddism, the methodological prerequisites for the study of industrial robotization, in particular the development of directions and tools for improving industrial modernization based on robotization. The use of the subject-activity approach (N.V. Gerasimov) and general scientific methods of cognition in the paper enable to describe the essence of Luddism and neo-Luddism through the prism of the clash of interests of individual social groups. A scientific discussion is presented regarding the impact of robotization of the industry on employment, and potential mechanisms for reducing the social costs of this process. The limits of applicability of these mechanisms and the political and economic grounds for their development and application are shown. It has been proven that the features of robotization of industry of specific economic systems, the effectiveness of directions and tools for improving this process, mechanisms for smoothing out socio-economic consequences and appropriating the positive effects of robotization depend on the existing balance of political and economic interests of social subjects and their groups. The obtained results can be useful in developing mechanisms for robotization of industry in the national economy and identifying potential economic and social risks arrising in this process. Further research of the impact of industrial robotization on employment in national economic systems may be of interest


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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