Redundancy and limitation of capitalist market production


Rossinskiy ViktorORCID


The consumer retains for his use, as a rule, a standardized set of objects, based on their use properties, and takes into account the exchange values of goods only from the point of view of the possibility of their purchase with income. This means that the quantitative relations in the production and exchange of commodities are determined not decisively by the costs of production, but by the normalized ratios in consumption, therefore both the exchange and the production of commodities must end with the satisfaction of the required ratios in consumption, and therefore the thesis about the exchange property of commodities as a measure of labor initially seems to be inconsistent with the required ratios in consumption. Here we find a seemingly insoluble contradiction between the labor theory of value and utility rates. The theory of utility, as a theory of exchange property, is rejected by logical reasoning. This situation needs to be resolved. The issue is solved through the redundancy of production capacities and goods. The price of the issue is a significant, but not yet fully comprehensible redundancy in the use of production, commodity, natural reserves, damage to nature. Nevertheless, the excess of production capacities and commodities causes an equalization of the ratio of the expenditure of the fixed and the actual expenditure of variable capital, which leads to the equalization of the profitability of capitals, and the result is that consumer goods are exchanged at the expenditure of variable capital, which presupposes the adoption of the labor theory of value. However, the equalization of profitability at the expense of redundancy narrows the range of favorability for the use of natural resources and limits the possibilities of inter-level division of labor.


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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