Ecosystem as a mechanism of public-private partnership


Popov Artem1ORCID


1. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


This very study considers the background and possibilities of implementation ecosystem in the governmental toolbar for the strategic projects. The urgency of the problem is caused by the list of factors, including: - negative external background, affecting the availability of resources, technologies and specialists for the implementation of transformation tasks; - lack of socio-economic institutes which are ready to ensure the realization strategic goals at the operational level; - the need for rapid restructuring of the national economy, which can be provided through mechanisms of operational interaction between the government, business and the population. Most modern studies don’t analyze ecosystems as a tool for the supporting of strategic goals of the national economy. The purpose of the study is to identify opportunities and risks for the government and society while using ecosystems in realization strategic state goals. The purpose of the study predetermined the following tasks: - Determination of the impact of negative external factors of the transformation of the national economy. - The role and functions of ecosystems in the implementation of strategic objectives of the national economy. - Scenarios and risks of ecosystem impact growth. The following tools are used in the study: structural and institutional analyze, modeling and forecasting. The ecosystem is considered as a complex integration platform that unites consumers and producers into a single system through end-to-end sales channels, a single financial infrastructure and communication standards. As the best practices of interaction between ecosystems and the state, the experience of implementing complex projects of the largest national ecosystems was used: Sber, MTS, Rostelecom, Yandex. The paper proposes the current scheme of interaction between the ecosystem and the government in the framework of the realization strategic transformation programs. The scheme is formed on the basis of a sophisticated business model (B2G2B2C), involving the participation of all macroeconomic agents. The scheme presents several functional contours: the formation and execution of a complex regional order (the essential contour of agent interaction), financial interaction between participants. The second part of the study examines scenarios for the development of the relationship between the ecosystem and the state from the position of influence on society, taking into account two variables: the willingness of the state to play an active role in regulating the activities of ecosystems within the national contour; the level of favorability of external rejection for ecosystems. As a result, 4 scenarios were considered that answer the questions of ecosystem development, their contribution to public welfare, and work with innovations.


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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