Differentiation of income of citizens in australia by education level and gender


Mitroshin Igor1ORCID


1. OOO «Interneshnl Biznes Konsalting Grupp»


The standard of living of citizens and the dynamics of its changes over a certain period reflect the state of the country’s economy, as well as the main socio-economic trends in the development of society. Wages and other income of the population received from employers are important indicators that reflect the standard of living of citizens. The work analyzes the income of Australian citizens in 2014-2023, received from employers, which Australian official statistics include wages, social compensation payments and compensation paid for the period of the next vacation. The analysis was carried out differentiated by level of education and gender. The results of the study revealed a difference in wages for hired labor between men and women, which is partly due to discrimination against women, as well as the presence of so-called “male” and “female” professions. However, for ten years, income inequality by gender has been declining. During the period under review, there was an increase in income for all analyzed categories, which led to a tendency for employees to switch to part-time work. In addition, the tendency of employers to hire men for positions requiring high qualifications and education level, and to hire women for positions that do not require qualifications, has been identified.


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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