The effect of basalt fiber cutting density and length on the risk of thread entangling


Andronov Sergey1,Stolyarov Viktor1,Belozerov Yaroslav1,Kochetkov Andrey2,Shashkov Igor3


1. Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov

2. Russian Road Scientific-Research Institute (ROSDORNII)

3. Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin


The paper concerns with an assessment of the effect of basalt fiber cutting density and length on the risk of thread entangling. The average lengths of basalt fiber filaments do not exceed critical values. The histogram of the basalt fiber length distribution corresponds to the normal distribution with an excellent rating. The research ascertained the maximum permissible imperfection of the distribution of lengths of fluffed basalt filaments. Hence, expected risk of thread entangling is lower than permissible one. Therefore, it is acceptable to implement dispersed reinforcement of this fiber from basalt fiber at the required level of reliability.


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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