Practical application efficiency of thermal performance of GFRP items in construction industry


Kovrigin Anton1,Blaznov Aleksey23


1. Biysk Factory of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastics

2. Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCET SB RAS)

3. Biysk Institute of Technology, Polzunov Altai State Technical University


The article concerns with the assessment of the thermal performance of a facade system using fastening elements made of glass fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP). The article analyses the efficiency of the technical solution based on fibreglass plastic in comparison with its metal-based counterparts. We present theoretical calculation data and graphs of thermal fields, calculate heat losses through point and linear thermotechnical inhomogeneities. As opposed to a steel spacer assembly with a coefficient of thermal homogeneity up to 0.82, such a design coefficient for a fibreglass element (0.99) is close to 1.0. Herein, the GFRP fastening elements demonstrated practical efficiency when used in real modern facade building structures: the thermal insulation thickness for GFRP was 130 mm, while that for the steel elements was 160 mm when applied in the facade fixing system.


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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