Consideration of construction materials energy intensity during the capital construction objects life cycle


Oparina Lyudmila1,Ogurtsov Valeriy1


1. Ivanovo State Polytechnic University


Considerable energy resources are consumed in the production of building materials, during construction and installation works, for operation with current and major repairs, reconstruction, dismantling, utilisation and recycling. As a rule, these energy resources are non-renewable, therefore, for energy saving purposes, it is necessary to take into account the total energy consumption of capital construction facilities during their life cycle. The authors have proposed the structure of a relational database of building materials energy intensity to calculate energy costs. The proposed database contains a list of building materials and energy intensity values at all stages of the life cycle. The novelty of the database is the division of materials by building elements (replaceable, non-replaceable). The article presents fragments of energy intensity calculation of the apartment building life cycle in the Ivanovo city using the proposed database.


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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