Modification of fibre materials properties with the use of nanotechnologies


Krichevsky German1,Odintsova Olga2


1. OOO «NPO Textilprogress Engineering Academy of Sciences»

2. Ivanovo State University of Chemistry and Technology


Nanotechnologies play an important role in the modern world economy. As they deal, as a rule, together with other convergent (nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive) technologies. This connection causes a synergy effect, i.e. non linear development of innovations. The growth dynamics of the world's nanotechnology products is impressive. The world market of nanotechnologies in 2021 was 85 billion dollars, in 2024 (plan) will be 140 billion dollars. The forecast for 2030 is $288 billion. The production of nanoparticles of different nature and their use in different industries, fields of science, and technology takes a special place in nanotechnology. Both nanotechnology itself and the production and application of nanoparticles are interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral ones. Their users and customers are developed industries, including the textile industry. Metal nanoparticles are used both in the form of colloidal solutions and as part of microcapsules containing functional substances of different nature in the core. The article considers some methods of obtaining metal nanoparticles and microcapsule synthesis. The authors list the technologies of microcapsules application for textile functionalization.


Yaroslavl State Technical University

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