Non compacted cardiomyopathy as a cause of insufficiency cardiac in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


Quaglia María Isabel1,Gobbi Carla1,Alonso Carla1,Tissera Yohana1,Figueroa Rosa1,Savio Verónica1,Albiero Juan1,Alba Paula1


1. Córdoba Hospital, Córdoba, Argentina


Non compacted cardiomyopathy (NCNC) frequently represents an abnormality of myocardial morphology associated with a genetic etiology, however, there are few descriptions of its association with autoimmune diseases. We present a review of the literature and the case of a lupus patient who was admitted with signs of decompensated heart failure with confirmation of VINC by echocardiography and cardiac nuclear magnetic resonance (C-MRI).


Editorial Biotecnologica S.R.L.

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