1. Dr. E. Tornu Acute General Hospital, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
FIHOA was developed to evaluate the functional capacity of patients with OA hands. Objetive: to validate FIHOA in patients with RA. Methods: analytical, observational, prospective cross-sectional study. Consecutive patients with diagnosis of RA (ACR/EULAR 2010) were included. Demographic and RA characteristics were recorded. Patients completed the following self-administered questionnaires: FIHOA, HAQ-A, HAQ-UP-A and Quick DASH. For a patient subgroup, an occupational therapist performed an objective evaluation of the functional capacity of the hands using the SODA-A. Reproducibility was assessed. Statistical analysis: descriptive statistics. Reliability with the Cronbach test. Construct validity with Spearman correlation. Reproducibility with test-retest reliability. Linear regression model.
Editorial Biotecnologica S.R.L.