1. 1. A. Aghili, H. Zeinali, Advances in Laplace type integral transforms with applications, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 7(6), 877-890, June 2014..
2. 2. A. Aghili, H. Zeinali, Solution to time fractional wave equation in the presence of friction via integral transform, Communications on applied nonlinear analysis, Vol.21(3), 67-88, June 2014.
3. 3. A. Aghili, H. Zeinali, Solution to Fractional Schrodinger and Airy Differential Equations via Integral Transforms, British journal of mathematics and computer science, Vol. 4(18), 2630-2664, July 2014.
4. 4. A. Aghili, H. Zeinali, Two dimensional Laplace transform for non- homogenous forth order partial differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications (JMRA), Vol.1, 48-54, December 2013.
5. 5. A. Aghili, H. Zeinali, Integral transform method for solving Volterra singular integral equations and non homogenous time Fractional PDEs, Gen.Math.Notes, Vol.14(1), 6-20, January 2013.