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2. H. A. Abass, C. C. Okeke and O. T. Mewomo, On Split Equality Mixed Equilibrium Problem and Fixed Point Problem of Generalized Ki-Strictly Pseudocontractive Multi-valued Mappings, Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls., Series B: Applications and Algorithms, 25, no. 6, (2018), 369-395.
3. H. A. Abass, K. O. Aremu, L. O. Jolaoso and O.T. Mewomo, An inertial forward-backward splitting method for approximating solutions of certain optimization problem, J. Nonlinear Funct. Anal. 2020, (2020), Article ID 6. https://doi.org/10.23952/jnfa.2020.6
4. H. A. Abass, C. Izuchukwu, O. T. Mewomo, Q. L. Dong, Strong convergence of an inertial forward-backward splitting method for accretive operators in real Banach space, Fixed Point Theory, 20, no. 2, (2020), 397-412. https://doi.org/10.24193/fpt-ro.2020.2.28
5. H. A. Abass, C. Izuchukwu and K. O. Aremu, A common solution of family of minimization and fixed point problem for multi-valued type-one demicontractive-type mappings, Adv. Var. Inequal., 21, no. 2, (2018), 94-108.