1. R. Abu-Dawwas, Multiplication Components of graded modules, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 35 (2015), 389-392.
2. R. Abu-Dawwas, Graded semiprime multiplication modules, Accepted in Boletim Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica.
3. R. Abu-Dawwas, K. Al-Zoubi, M. Bataineh, Prime submodules of graded modules, Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, 31 (4) (2012), 355-361. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0716-09172012000400004
4. R. Abu-Dawwas, M. Refai, Further results on graded prime submodules, International Journal of Algebra, 4 (28)(2010), 1413-1419.
5. R. Abu-Dawwas, M. Refai, Some remarks on graded weak multiplication modules, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, 6 (14) (2011), 681-686.