
Rzhevskiy Stanislav1,Kondrat'eva Anna1


1. All-Russian research institute of forest genetics, selection and biotechnology


This paper provides an overview of parasitic fungi of the genus Rhytisma found in Russia: Rhytisma acerinum (Pers.) Fr., Rh. punctatum (Pers.) Fr., the substrate for which is various types of maple, Rh. salicinum (Pers.) Fr., parasitizing willows and Rh. andromedae (Pers.) Fr. – on the Andromeda sp. Ascomycetes of this genus are the causative agents of black (tar) leaf spot, which damages the decorative qualities of plants, and at the same time, they can serve as indicators of the ecological situation. Types of rhytisma, for which maple leaves serve as a substrate, are widespread in Voronezh and its environs. The goal of this work was to develop, based on the sequences of these species available in the NCBI database, specific primers for their molecular genetic identification. Primer-Blast software was used to create them, and the specificity of the obtained sequences was checked in silico using the BLAST module on the NCBI website. Among the generated primer sequences, selection was made to match the optimal parameters. The use of molecular genetic analysis with these primers can be used for early diagnosis of pathogens, as well as in other cases of difficulties in the morphological determination of plant pathogen species.


FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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