1. Belloc, Hilaire ([1923]1954) ' On his Books'. In: Roughead, W.N. (ed.) The Verse of Hilaire Belloc. London: Nonesuch Press.
2. Dryden, John ([1666]1961) ' Annus Mirabilis or The Year of Wonders'. In: Kinsley, James (ed.) The Poems and Fables. London, New York, Toronto: Oxford University Press.
3. Fry, Christopher (1949) The Lady's not for Burning: a Comedy. London: Oxford University Press.
4. Lodge, David (1988) Nice Work. London: Secker and Warburg.
5. Marlowe, Christopher ([1604]1949) The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus. Edited by Frederick S. Boas. Second edition. London: Methuen.