The V Krátkých Nature Monument (NM) comprises of landscape mosaic of meadows, groves, spring fen and wetland while the Lom Rasová NM is a former sandstone quarry with open and forested areas. Both are situated near Vápenice village in the White Carpathians. In total, 44 species (40 terrestrial gastropods, 3 aquatic snails and 1 bivalve) were found in V Krátkých NM. Three species are listed in the Red List of Threatened Species: Daudebardia brevipes (VU), Lehmannia carpatica (NT) and Bythinella austriaca (NT). Most diversity consists of forest species, followed by eurytopic and hygrophilous species. The spring fen is the most species-rich habitat, as hygrophilous, eurytopic and forest species are present. To retain the favourable conservation status, extensive kettle grazing or mowing of the fen and meadows is suggested while the groves should remain in a non-intervention regime with possible subtle intrusion of broadleaved trees. In the Lom Rasová NM, 18 terrestrial gastropod species were recorded (aquatic malacofauna was not surveyed). All species are common and widespread, and their composition is a mixture of predominantly forest, euryvalent and open-country taxa. To support gastropod diversity, the broadleaved groves should remain in a non-intervention regime, while deciduous trees should be replaced with broadleaved species and overall habitat diversity should be supported.
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