Měkkýši národní přírodní rezervace Jazevčí v CHKO Bílé Karpaty [Molluscs of Jazevčí National Nature Reserve in the White Carpathians PLA]


Coufal RadovanORCID


The Jazevčí National Nature Reserve is located in the southern part of the White Carpathians PLA near the Javorník nad Veličkou village. The reserve protects a heterogeneous landscape with meadows, groves, springs, and creeks. This diversity is reflected in the mollusc assemblages, which contain nine out of ten ecological groups. In total, 58 mollusc species are known from the reserve, 56 being terrestrial gastropods with one aquatic snail and one bivalve. Most diversity consists of forest species, followed by the euryvalent and hygrophilous species. Three species are listed in the Red List of Threatened Species: Daudebardia brevipes (VU), Bythinella austriaca (NT), and Vertigo angustior (VU), the latter also being internationally protected under Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive. Vertigo angustior was found in a deciduous forest, a habitat highly unusual for this species. Trochulus villosulus, a rare species, was found in a wet meadow near the Velička stream. As most species diversity is found in groves and forests, a non-intervention regime is suggested to retain their species diversity, while meadows should be managed extensively by kettle grazing or mowing.


Masaryk University Press

Reference14 articles.

1. AOPK ČR & RP SCHKO Bílé Karpaty, 2023: Plán péče NPR Jazevčí na období 2023–2032 [Management plan of the Jazevčí NNR in 2023–2032]. – Ms. depon in Digitální registr ÚSOP AOPK ČR, http://drusop.nature.cz, 132 pp. (in Czech)

2. Beran L., Juřičková L. & Horsák M., 2017: Mollusca (měkkýši) [Mollusca (molluscs)]. – In: Červený seznam ohrožených druhů České republiky. Bezobratlí [Red list of threatened species in the Czech Republic. Invertebrates], Hejda R., Farkač J. & Chobot K. (eds) Příroda, 36: 71–76. (in Czech and English)

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