Geofyzikální mapování výskytu těšínitové asociace hornin v okolí Žermanic – slezská jednotka


Melnyk Anastasia,Pospíšil Lubomil


Picrites, monchiquites, fourchettes, ouachitites, teschenites s.s. and teschenite clinopyroxenites are the representatives of major effusive and hypabyssal rock types of teschenite association rocks (TAR) of the Silesian unit of the Western Carpathians flysch belt. The geophysical image of TAR and their physical properties can be observed mainly in the magnetic and geoelectrical data, mainly from well logs and magnetic maps of different authors. Geophysical research of the TAH was carried out only in a limited scope of works due to unclear and complicated structural-tectonic conditions related to its development in space and time. This contribution provides a detailed overview of the methodology used in the mapping and interpretation of one of the geologically well-explored locality located in the vicinity of the abandoned quarry in Žermanice village. Geophysical works are part of research projects implemented at VŠB-TU in Ostrava. The aim is to verify the possibilities of geophysical methods in monitoring the extent, structural and tectonic position of the TAH. It also includes the creation of GRAV/MAG models based on which the reality of the measured effects caused by the given bodies is verified. At the Žermanice location, geophysical methods were used in the profile variant, namely gravity, magnetic and geoelectrical measurements in the ERT (electrical resistance tomography) variant. The results proved that this combination of methods enable comprehensively map individual TAH bodies and thus appropriately supplement geological and geochemical data and results.


Masaryk University Press



Reference17 articles.

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