Diskurzivní analýza Národních listů: národ vs. islám a Laclauův populistický matrix


Stulík Ondřej


This article deals with the phenomenon of populism and the form it takes in the context of the Úsvit – národní koalice party and the Blok proti islámu coalition. The methodology of the analysis is based on Laclau’s account of populism and includes a discursive analysis of the populist mentality as a tool to form a vague argument against “bad” Islam culture. These assumptions are tested by a summative content analysis and are contextualized by a metaphor analysis. The results confirm all assumptions: Úsvit and Blok create a specific populist mentality based on a negative perception of Islam, a positive (but empty) national identity, and a simplified critique of the current establishment framed as tool for spreading bad culture which is based on the ideology of Muslims and Islam.


Masaryk University Press

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