1. Appleton, Sarah (2013) Freed from the salt mines of virtue: Wicked women in Margaret Atwood's novels. In: Bouson, J. Brooks (ed.) Critical Insights: Margaret Atwood. Ipswich: Salem Press, 276–294.
2. Atwood, Margaret (1990) Articulating the mute. Interview by Karla Hammond. In: Ingersoll, Earl G. (ed.) Margaret Atwood: Conversations . Princeton: Ontario Review Press, 191–220.
3. Atwood, Margaret (1980) Life Before Man. Toronto: Seal.
4. Atwood, Margaret (1994) Running with tigers. In: Sage, Lorna (ed.) Flesh and the Mirror: Essays on the Art of Angela Carter. London: Virago Press, 117–135.
5. Atwood, Margaret (2005) Angela Carter: 1940–1992. In Curious Pursuits: Occasional Writing, Margaret Atwood. London: Virago Press, 155–159.