On the diatom flora from Tuloma River (Murmansk Region)


Rassadkin Pavel S.1,Lupandin-Petrenko Kirill S.1,Fundovoi Dmitry I.1,Dzhurko Arina P.1,Alpatova Snezhana O.1,Kapustin Dmitry A.2,Kulikovskiy Maxim S.2ORCID


1. Murmansk Arctic University, Murmansk, Russia

2. Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology RAS, Moscow, Russia


The diversity of diatoms from the Tuloma river (Murmansk region) was studied. Thirty-five species belonging to twenty-two genera were preliminary identified. Monoraphid diatoms from the genera Karayevia (K. laterostrata (Hust.) Bukht., K. suchlandtii (Hust.) Bukht.) and Skabitschewskia (S. oestrupii (A. Cleve) Kulikovskiy et Lange-Bertalot) were the most common. A rare species, Gololobovia obliqua (W. Gregory) Kulikovskiy et al., is reported for the first time for Murmansk Region.


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