Analysis of the results of monitoring of indicator algal viruses in the bays of Sevastopol in the periods before and during the Covid-19 pandemic


Stepanova Olga A.1ORCID,Sholar Stanislav A.2ORCID


1. 1Institute of Natural a Technical Systems (Sevastopol, Russia)

2. FRC Marine Hydrophysical Institute of RAS (Sevastopol, Russia)


Analysis of the results of monitoring the indicator algal viruses of microalgae Tetraselmis viridis and Phaeodactylum tricornutum in differing in ecological well-being bays of Sevastopol in periods before and during the Covid-19 pandemic recorded changes in the ratio of the amounts of various strains in the “pre-covid” (2015–2019) and “covid” (2020–2021) time periods, which may indicate an improvement in the environmental situation in the studied waters during the Covid-19 pandemic. The reason for such changes could be a decrease in anthropogenic pressure under restrictive and quarantine measures.


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