Metagenomic analysis as a tool for studying and monitoring biological diversity in the Arctic Seas


Stupnikova Alexandra N.1ORCID,Neretina Tatyana V.2ORCID,Tzetlin Alexander B.2ORCID


1. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)


The monitoring of the state of the ecosystems of the Arctic seas is both an urgent practical task in the face of ever-increasing anthropogenic pressure on fragile Arctic ecosystems, and a fundamental scientific task, because for its implementation it is necessary to solve a number of important scientific issues. A reliable assessment of the state of biological diversity in marine ecosystems is associated with the need to have accurate data on the species composition of benthic and plankton communities. The development of a method for assessing the biological diversity of marine communities by metagenomic analysis opens up a promising way to solve this problem.


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