1. Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration NASU under the President of Ukraine, Lviv
2. Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine
Creating conditions for the safety of man, society and the state is an important strategic priority of public administration in Ukraine. The practice of state regulation in our country is not based on a multi-level system of social security of a person, society and the state. The purpose of the article is to study the problems of formation and ensuring social security of a person, society and the state in Ukraine as a multi-level system. It is based on security and balance of social interests of a person, state and society. A multi-level system is capable of ensuring socio-economic stability and internal stability in the face of increasing external and internal threats.
The authors determined the essence of social security as a multi-level system from the standpoint of systemic, structural-functional, substantial approaches. The authors also identified the relationship of subjects and objects in the social security system, assessed the impact of the areas of national security on the level of social security in Ukraine; revealed the main obstacles to the implementation of a multi-level system of social security of a person, society and the state in Ukraine. The authors substantiated the structural model of a multi-level system of social security based on the relationship and balance of the social interests of a person, society and the state.
Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine
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