A landscape park as a way of revitalizing slag heap of blast-furnace slag


Amosha O.O. 1ORCID,Kocheshkova I. M. 1ORCID


1. Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine


Slag heap have negative impact on the environment, at the same time the world has successful examples of industrial areas revitalization including heaps. The slag landfill appeared years ago in water area of Mariupol city, the Sea of Azov. It was from metallurgy industry wastes. Utilization of slag is a time consuming process. It can be efficient in one case only: if 100% of produced slag is utilized. However, it concerns new waste. To utilize the old waste is much harder. For instance, in case of Mariupol city landfill slag there is so caked that it is very hard to get it away from the shore. Landscape reclamation of post-industrial areas is a new global trend. The article considers the possibilities of landscaping slag heap. Taking into account the condition of the slag pile and possibilities of landscaping, it is feasible to create a landscape park. To meet the up-to-date environmental requirements the landscape park should have renewable energy. At the same time, the project of a landscape park creation is important for all therefore every resident of the city should be aware of it. Because the creation of the landscape park matters everybody the crowd-investing project with share capital is the most acceptable form of landscape park creation. Therefore, the most feasible way to solve slagheaps problem is the revitalization that is creation of a landscape park powered by renewable energy using crowd-investing approach.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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