Intelligent Management of the International Corporation Competitiveness


Popova D. V. 1ORCID


1. Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv


The urgency of forming and increasing the competitiveness of international companies is increasing in the newest knowledge economy. This predetermines the need for corporations to create new mechanisms for managing innovations and innovative and intellectual competencies, which, in turn, builds a general concept of intellectual competitiveness management at the level of an individual corporation. However, the current theoretical approaches to the competitiveness management do not allow obtaining comprehensive information for the formation of a universal management toolkit based on intelligent management of knowledge and innovations and competencies of an international corporation to achieve global competitiveness. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to form the complex algorithm for achieving competitive leadership of an international company through the use of intellectual management. Accordingly, the key innovative and intellectual competencies of the corporation in international markets were determined, the logical system for the formation of the corporation’s competitive advantages based on the application KIIC was built and the model and mechanism of intellectual management of the competitiveness of a corporation based on the creation of centers of innovative and intellectual competencies were developed in the article. Such an integrated approach in the context of the implementation of intellectual management will ultimately ensure an increase in the competitiveness of an international corporation.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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