Current Issues of Decentralization Reform and Administrative-Territorial Device


Borodyna Oksana1ORCID


1. Institute of Industrial Economics of NAS of Ukraine


The experience of reforms in foreign countries shows that decentralization is an essential factor in democratizing and modernizing the economy, provides for concrete steps to improve the quality of life, has a clear framework and conceptual content. It is the decentralization of Public Administration that is the driving force behind the creation of a favorable regional economic space for achieving sustainable development. Reforms of the administrative-territorial structure in Ukraine have recently been fundamental, structureforming in nature, but, despite many advantages, they have revealed a large-scale complex of problems related to the relationship between new levels of state power and the distribution of budget funds. The materials of the article indicate that the current legislation has not yet been adapted to the new system of territorial structure. Issues of optimal interaction between state and local government bodies, synchronization of the development of territorial levels of the economy in the context of decentralization require regulatory changes and monitoring. For the effective completion of reforms, important steps are needed that will allow achieving the conceptual goal of the reform: the government and all authorities must serve the interests of society and ensure the sustainable development of the country. To do this, you need to form an appropriate policy and implement it systematically. It is proposed to adopt new agreements that will allow launching the work of administrations in new districts in a new format. At the same time, it is necessary to adopt a law on the administrative-territorial structure, which will establish rules by which it will be possible to further modernize districts and correct mistakes made. Finally, it is necessary to amend the Constitution in terms of local self-government and territorial organization of power. A number of provisions are proposed aimed at improving relations between the levels of subnational authorities, improving the efficiency of the Institute of prefects, distributing local finances, and legislative regulation of aspects of local self-government work.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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