Digital Marketing as a Technology for Promotion of Organic Products


I. Novytska 1ORCID


1. National University “Poltava Polytechnic named after Yuri Kondratyuk”, Poltava


The article highlights the use of digital marketing as an opportunity for modern promotion of organic products, which should turn into a complex of multidirectional components, such as: a deep study of the online audience, its behavioral component; Engaging all possible audience segments immersion of production employees in digital communication with the consumer; organization of interaction with the potential consumer. Digital technology provides an integrated approach to promoting organic products in the digital environment, also encompassing offline consumers using mobile phones and other digital communications. Provides the ability to integrate a large number of different technologies (social, mobile, web, etc.) with sales and customer service. Continuous quality two-way communication between the advertiser and the end consumer of organic products; the combination of technology and human resources, keeping the right balance, based on the needs of the target audience and the features of the organic products offered; the ability to be relevant to the market, evaluate and analyze the results of promotion, respond flexibly to market needs. The article notes that digital marketing is more profitable than a traditional advertising campaign, especially for small non-network manufacturers. Organic producers who previously could not afford to compete with the big players side by side with the big players are now offered to launch a quality campaign for their audience, even at low marketing costs. marketing opens up a lot of new opportunities for organic businesses, while improving the quality of ordering and delivery and making it more personalized to potential consumers. Keywords digital marketing, promotion, organic products, digital tools, online channels, offline channels, consumers.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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1. DIGITAL AND INTERNET MARKETING: THE RATIO OF CONCEPTS;Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series of Economics and Management Issues;2022-02-01







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