Customer Experience Management as a Priority Area of Trade Enterprises’ Activity


Misiukevych V. І.1ORCID,Trushkina N. V.1ORCID,Shkrygun Yu. О.2ORCID


1. Scientific Research Center of Industrial Development Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv

2. Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


Currently, customer experience management is re cognized as a strategic direction of logistics management of enterprises in the field of wholesale and retail trade. Therefore, the purpose of this article is a theoretical generalization of existing approaches to determining the essence and content of the concept of “customer experience management” of trade enterprises, taking into account the specifics of their functioning. The article theoretically summarizes and systematizes conceptual approaches to defining the essence of the concepts “customer experience” and “customer experience management”. The author’s approach to the interpretation of these terms is provided. The concept of “customer experience” is proposed to be considered as the experience of forming an effective system of partnership relations between a trading company and various categories of consumers as a result of increasing the level of trust, loyalty, service and quality of logistics service. Customer experience management is understood as a continuous integrated process, which is carried out through the implementation of commercial, marketing and logistics management functions of trading enterprises using modern methods, digital technologies and information systems. A statistical analysis of the main indicators of the development of economic entities in the sphere of wholesale and retail trade of Ukraine in the pre-war period was performed. A structural and logical diagram of the process of strategic management of the client experience of a trade enterprise has been built. It has been established that the following can be attributed to the modern trends in the transformation of the customer experience management system as an important component of the logistics management of trade enterprises: personalization of products and communication using information technologies; adaptive approach to interaction with consumers; building a business strategy for brands, advertising and marketing strategies using digital tools; application of a complex approach to the management of commercial activities; creation of a fundamentally new marketing structure (emergence of specialists in consumer preferences and data processing); acquiring skills in collecting large databases and using them; ensuring multichannel marketing communications; introduction of chatbots as one of the effective ways to provide instant customer support; development of business models for the organization of electronic retail trade.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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