Management of Renewable Resources in the Energy Sector in the Context of Ensuring the Economic Sustainability of Energy Systems


Lunov Ye. O.1ORCID


1. Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the environmental, economic and financial aspects of the management of renewable resources in the energy sector with an assessment of the strategic development of renewable energy. One has assessed the potential of renewable energy sources in Ukraine, amounting to about 454.4 kWh, which is 59.2 million tons of reference fuel per year. The 2016-2020 analysis revealed that the capacity of the renewable electric power industry was increased to 10,900 MW, and the production of green electricity was up to 26 billion kW, while the generation of thermal energy from renewable resources increased to 5.85 million tons. The development of renewable resources was ensured by the issuance of Green and Sustainability-linked bonds for five years, amounting to 825 million USD with a yield rate of 6.785%. Directions were identified to increase the production of renewable resources in the energy sector and increase their share to 20% in accordance with the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2035. Therefore, there will be the demand for green and environmental investments and green bonds, indicating the placement of funds in energy efficient and environmental projects.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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