Comparative Assessment of Certain Regions of Ukraine Development Effectiveness Using Data Envelopment Analysis


Ivanov S.ORCID


The article examines issues of regional development effectiveness’ assessment based on the study of various approaches both at the level of regulatory documents and individual proposals of scientists. The Regional Development Strategy of Ukraine until 2027 considers, that the degree of goals achievement should be carried out by comparing the actually obtained values of the indicators with their forecast values. It is noted that the simple achievement of the indicator’s forecast value does not always indicate the degree of efficiency of the resources’ use in the process of implementing planned activities. The analysis of plenty of scientific research works shows that despite the objectively positive features of the proposed methods and approaches to assess regional development effectiveness, they still do not solve some issues. In order to assess the effectiveness regional development and determine the degree and directions of inefficiency, the Data Envelopment Analysis approach is proposed, which allows to assess both the degree of inefficiency and determine how this inefficiency can be eliminated.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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