1. Eastern Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dal, Kyiv, Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2. Eastern Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dal, Kyiv
Digital transformation has changed consumer expectations and behavior, putting great pressure on organizations and multiple markets. The article examines the impact of digitalization on employment in the world, provides information on the nature of the impact of digitalization shifts, provides examples of professions that will be the first to suffer from an increase or decrease in demand, and identifies new needs for competencies. Increased attention in the work is given to the importance of digital transformation for the integration of technological tools in international business practice and strategy, as well as the obstacles that arise during the implementation of digital new technologies.
It is noted that in order to improve the quality of management decision-making in the conditions of digital transformation, ways of obtaining a sustainable competitive advantage must be determined, taking into account international experience and available resources, consistency with new strategies aimed at growth and entering new markets, this implies significant changes in internal organizational structure of enterprises and organizations.
Remote work from non-traditional forms of employment has turned into a traditional form of organizing the labor process and interaction in organizations. With the stabilization of the situation in Ukraine and the elimination of the influence of the negative factors of the external environment, it is impossible to refuse remote work, many companies have already made the hybrid work model permanent. Industries such as food processing, retail, and construction show the lowest rates of remote staff employment.
Among the main threats of digital transformations, the decrease in social protection of employees is mentioned. The emergence of new types of jobs and working conditions contributes to the growth of the number of self-employed people who are not ready to enter into a dialogue with the employer regarding their social protection. The responsibility for social protection of the employee in new work models is transferred to him, while society is not yet ready for such changes. Eliminating or minimizing the disadvantages of remote forms of work needs to be taken into account in the development strategies of every organization and enterprise.
Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine
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