1. Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro
The actual aspects of functioning the modern economy service sector are considered in the article. According to the results of the analysis of the scientific publications, the features of high-tech and highly professional intellectual services are defined. Methodology concept models of the service market and information space in the globalization system of the world economy are proposed. In the context of the topic chosen by the author, it is formulated that the service in the conditions of the digital transformation of the economy is a relation of social labor in the form of its non-commodity exchange and as a directly useful process of labor activity of a natural or legal entity.
The methodological concept models of the formation of the information space, its structure in the system of globalization of the world economy, as well as the structure of the service market in the conditions of the neo-economy are proposed. The characteristics of the digital economy in the conditions of the global information space and in the era of neo-economics are provided.
The theoretical background of the digital transformation of high-tech and highly professional intellectual services in the conditions of the information space has been carried out. The links between the information network economy and digitalization tools and techniques of the intellectual service sector are identified.
The following conclusions regarding the qualitative changes of the new economy in the conditions of the global information space are formulated:
the degree and speed of using the achievements of the information revolution in the conditions of the development of the service market have a decisive influence on the pace of social economic growth;
the development of the digital economy in the conditions of the information space ensures the realization of the potential of the new economic system and forms a new global ecosystem;
the sector of highly professional intellectual services is characterized by fragmentation and the absence of established definitions, but allows for analytical and practical research related to the assessment of the impact of digital technologies on the information and network economy.
Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine
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