1. National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
2. Lviv State University of Internal Affairs
The article examines the problems of the development of the recreational sphere of Lviv Oblast under the conditions of European integration. Prospects for their development and investment aspects are highlighted. The dynamism of the volume of capital investment in the sphere of recreation in the Lviv region for 2010-2020 was analyzed.
The work developed the organizational and management mechanism of state management of the recreational sphere under the conditions of European integration. This mechanism should be provided both at the macrolevel and at the level of regions (microlevel) and take into account the peculiarities and requirements of international (in particular, European) requirements and norms.
Favorable prerequisites thanks to the further European integration of the Ukrainian economy are analyzed. Priorities for state and regional policies regarding the improvement and improvement of the planning (programming) system, more effective use of the existing tourist, recreational, natural, resource and other potentials of the entire territory of Lviv region have been identified. Investing in the spheres of recreation and tourism of Lviv Oblast and other regions (oblasts) of our country under the conditions of intensification of development, acceleration of European integration processes is a real opportunity for starting, stimulating the effective development of already existing entrepreneurship in the tourism and recreation industries, increasing the role and importance of small and medium-sized enterprises in it business, etc. It will also encourage the development of related sectors of the economy that provide recreation and tourism.
recreation, tourism, European integration, investment.
Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine
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